WHY DO i DO IT?     


On May 1, 2019, I wrote my very first blog post here. My sentiment back then, and still today, is that through my book and blog, I am hoping to maybe help some people who have lost a child or loved one. And maybe if I’m really lucky, I may reach one of the survivors who are truly struggling. In addition, I started my Facebook page, Michaline G, for the same purpose. My goal always is to write or share something I feel may help a survivor on their difficult journey.

I have been on my journey now for over twenty years. And somehow I have figured out how to survive and live my life without my oldest son who passed away in 2000. It isn’t easy, and sometimes quite frankly, it is still a struggle! But because I know what has helped me, I try to share my experiences in the hope of helping others. I think sometimes when I share something, people, especially those that may be acquainted with me, still think that I am still struggling and having a difficult time trying to move on. That is definitely not the case. I know where I was after my son died, and where I have progressed to now. I have In my own way, figured out how to move on without him, and have managed to be happy. Being happy again after the death of your child or any loved one is possible. But I also believe that you have to make a concerted effort to move on, or you run the risk of getting stuck in your grief. I still grieve the loss of my son, and that will last my entire life. But I know that if I am to be happy, I have to continually work at it, and not allow myself to digress permanently. The loss of a child is like no other, and a bad day now and then definitely happens. But it is my choice to continue to push forward. I still miss my son every second of every day, but I also know he wants me to be happy. He wants me to enjoy my time with the rest of my family, especially my beautiful granddaughter. He wants me to enjoy my semi-retirement, my friends and my travels. Therefore, by living my life the best I can, I know that I am making him happy. And this is why I am doing what I do, to help others find their happiness after the death of their child or loved one.

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